Driving Directions to The Inn on Pamlico Sound
Best Airports:
The closest commercial airport is Norfolk, VA, about a 2 1/2 hour drive. You can also fly into Williamsburg / Newport News Airport, about a 3 hour drive. Raleigh NC is not the preferred airport, as it takes about 4 1/2 hours to drive here from Raleigh.
From the general Norfolk area:
Rt. 64 East towards Chesapeake to exit 291B, Rt. 168 South (not business) towards Nags Head. Rt. 168 becomes Rt. 158 East. After the Wright Memorial causeway continue on Rt. 158 through Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills and Nags Head. On the south end of Nags Head you will see signs to Cape Hatteras National Seashore. At that point take Rt. 12 South (don’t take the first Rt. 12 South exit in Kitty Hawk). After approx. 50 miles you will come into the town of Buxton. We are approximately 1 mile south of the high school on the right hand side. Driving time is about 2 1/2 hours.
From the general Raleigh area:
Take Rt. 64 East. Follow Rt. 64 East until Rt. 64 East becomes Rt. 158 after the town of Manteo. Follow signs to Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Take a right onto Rt. 12 South. We are approximately 50 miles from that point. After approx. 50 miles you will come into the town of Buxton. We are approximately 1 mile south of the high school on the right hand side. Driving time is about 4 1/2 hours.
From the general Richmond area:
Take I-95 S / I-64 E toward Petersburg / Norfolk. Merge onto I-64 E via Exit 75 toward Richmond Airport / Williamsburg / Norfolk. Merge onto I-664 S / Hampton Road Beltway via Exit 264 toward Downtown / Newport News / Suffolk / Chesapeake. Merge onto I-64 W / Hampton Road Beltway via Exit 15B toward Chesapeake / Virginia Beach. Take exit 291B, Rt. 168 South (not business) towards Nags Head. Rt. 168 becomes Rt. 158 East. After the Wright Memorial causeway continue on Rt. 158 through Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills and Nags Head. On the south end of Nags Head you will see signs to Cape Hatteras National Seashore. At that point take Rt. 12 South (don’t take the first Rt. 12 South exit in Kitty Hawk). After approx. 50 miles you will come into the town of Buxton. We are approximately 1 mile south of the high school on the right hand side. Driving time is about 4 1/2 – 5 hours.
From the general Washington DC area.
Follow Route 95 South towards Richmond. Merge onto I-295 S via Exit 84A on the LEFT toward Rocky Mount NC / Richmond International Airport. Merge onto I-64 E via Exit 28A toward Norfolk / Va Beach. Then follow directions directly above from Richmond. Driving time is about 6 hours.
From from points south via the Cedar Island Ferry:
Take I-95 to US 70, near Smithfield, N.C.; and US 70 east to Cedar Island via Morehead City and NC 12 to the ferry. The ferry ride is about two hours. You will need a reservation, so call 800-856-0343 or 252-225-3551. On arrival at Ocracoke, proceed north on NC Route 12 to the Ocracoke to Hatteras Ferry. No reservation is needed. The ferry ride is about 45 minutes. On arrival on Hatteras, proceed north on NC Route 12 into the village of Buxton. When you pass the water tower and Buxton Sea Food on your right, look to your left. You will see our sign and entrance right on Route 12.